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JFog Repository Setup#

What Is The Jfog Artifactory?#

  • JFrog Artifactory is a universal DevOps solution providing end-to-end automation and management of binaries and artifacts through the application delivery process that improves productivity across your development ecosystem. It enables freedom of choice supporting 25+ software build packages, all major CI/CD platforms, and DevOps tools you already use. Artifactory is Kubernetes ready supporting containers, Docker, Helm Charts, and is your Kubernetes and Docker registry and comes with full CLI and REST APIs customizable to your ecosystem.
  • More information.
  • In this post we will focus on faeture management of binaries and artifacts of Jfog. Assume that you are doing your project with some people and some back-end services. Then you have just finished wirtting a library which will used for other services. So, how do other people can use your library?
    • The easiest way is that they can clone your library repository then they need to build and deploy to their local repository on their local machine then add the your library dependency into the source code. Using this way will take time and every time your library has some updates, other people need to pull the repository then build and deploy again.
    • Using the Jfog Artifactory, after your library has finished, you can deploy your binaries and artifacts to Jfog, then other people just need to add your library dependency into the source code for using. Then of you have any update on your library, they just need to clean build the source code again. Using this way will save many time but you need to add some configuration on your machine. We will learn about it in next steps.

Register A Jfog Account#

  • So, Let's go to this link to register a Jfog account. For Select Your Cloud Provider* you can choose any cloud Provider that you want. Input a server name in Name Your Environment*, this will be your administration url of Jfog after your account is created.


  • You will received an email for verify email address. Then just verify your email and go to the dashboard.


Create Jfog Repositories#

Create Local Repository#

  • What is the jfog local repository?
    • Jfog local repository is a locally-managed repository into which you can deploy your artifacts and binaries. This allows you to have a central location to store all of your internal binaries. Through repository replication, you can even share binaries with teams that are located in remote locations.
  • To create a jfog local repository, you can go to Administration -> Repositories -> Add Repositories -> Local Repository as in the image below.


  • Then in the tag basic, you need to enter a local repository name and choose Non-unique in Maven Snapshot Version Behavior. This means when you upload a package version like 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT multi times then this package version will be always overridden.


  • Next in the tag advanced, you can choose option Allow Content Browsing, when set you may view content such as HTML or Javadoc files directly from Artifactory. This may not be safe and therefore requires strict content moderation to prevent malicious users from uploading content that may compromise security (e.g., cross-site scripting attacks)


  • Finally, click Save & Finish

Create Remote Repository#

  • What is the jfog remote repository?
    • Jfog remove repository serves as a caching proxy for a repository managed at a remote URL (which may itself be another Artifactory remote repository).
    • Artifacts are stored and updated in remote repositories according to various configuration parameters that control the caching and proxying behavior. You can remove artifacts from a remote repository cache but you cannot actually deploy a new artifact into a remote repository.
  • To create a jfog local repository, you can go to Administration -> Repositories -> Add Repositories -> Remote Repository.
  • Then in the tag basic, you need to enter a remote repository name.


  • Next in the tag advanced, you can choose option Allow Content Browsing as in the step craete local repository


  • Finally, click Save & Finish

Create Virtual Repository#

  • What is the jfog virtual repository?

    • A virtual repository hides the access details of the underlying repositories letting users work with a single, well-known URL. The underlying participating repositories and their access rules may be changed without requiring any client-side changes.
    • Jfog virtual repository is used to simplify access to different repositories, Artifactory allows you to define a virtual repository which is a collection of local, remote and other virtual repositories accessed through a single logical URL.
  • To create a jfog local repository, you can go to Administration -> Repositories -> Add Repositories -> Virtual Repository.

  • Then in the tag basic, you need to enter a remote repository name, seclect maven-local and maven-remote repositories that you have created on steps above. Then choose Default Deployment Repository as maven-local.


  • Finally, click Save & Finish.
