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Filters In Spring Security#

Filters In Authorization And Authentication Flow#

  • Lot of times we will have situations where we need to perform some house keeping activities during the authentication and authorization flow. Some examples are:
    • Input validation
    • Tracing, Auditing and Reporting
    • Logging of input like IP Address etc.
    • Encryption and Decryption
    • Multi factor authentication using OPT
  • All such requirements can be handled using HTTP filters inside Spring Security. Filters are servlet concepts which are leveraged in Spring Security as well.
  • We already saw some in built filters of Spring Security framework like Authentication filter, Authorization filter, CSRF filter, CORS filter in previous sections.
  • A filter is a component which receives requests, process its logic and handover to the next filter in the chain.
  • Spring Security is based on a chain of servlet filters. Each filter has a specific responsibility and depending on the configuration, filters are added or removed. We can add our custom filters as well based on the need.

Understanding And Implementing Filters#

See Also#
