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Spring Security Internal Flow And Architecture#

Spring Security Internal Flow And Architecture#

  • How spring security framework works internally, once it receives any request from the FE or any third party app consumers? See the image below.


  • So in the step 1, when someone calls app through browser or any app consumer with the credentials, a filter (authentication filter), which is present in the spring security framework, will be intercepting the request.

  • Then it will try to convert whatever authentication details that we are receiving from the user like username and password into an authentication object. This authentication object is a base where all the validation of user credentials will validated. Once that ID object is built, the request will be passed to the authentication manager.

  • Authentication manager is the place where it will identify what is correspondent authentication provider that the request has to go. In this basic authentication example, we have not have many processes where we can validate user credentials or we may use database to validate user credentials or we may use LDAP or OAuth. So there can be many possible providers that your system has.

  • In simple words, we can say that Authentication manager will identify what is the most appropriate authentication provider that the request has to be sent.

  • Authentication provider, this is a place where all your business logic will be implemented. The logic related to your security like how do you validate username and password? There can be scenarios where you may receive email as a user. So based upon all such scenarios, you will implement all your logic of security validation inside your authentication provider.

  • Authentication provider will provide 2 interfaces. One is user details services and other one is password encoder. The user detail services is the interface which holds user schema and the password encoder which will tell you how all passwords have to be encrypted, encoded and decrypted while evaluating the security.

  • Once authentication provider using user detail services and password encoders validator with the input credentials are valid or not, the flow will be given back to the authentication manager followed by the authentication filter.

  • Now the authentication object, which we initially sent from the authentication filter will hold, whether the user is a valid authenticated user, what are the authorities or what are the roles associated with the user inside the authentication object.

  • Once the authentication filter pass that authentication object to security context then all details will be stored inside the container.

  • Security context is the place where we save the data of the user once the users authenticated themself. It save details like whether the user is valid or might not be a valid user.

  • All such details will be stored inside the security context and given back to the browser or any consumer from second time onwards. If they are trying to pass the same security information, all the flow from step 1 to step 8 will not be executed because we already tried to validate the person using that credentials.

  • So, Spring Security will tell you, OK, using this token or these credentials whatever I am receiving from second time onwards, I will directly show you whether this is the valid token or not.

  • This is how it works internally in spring security framework. No matter how complex your Spring Security project is. The basic and internal flow of Spring security will remain the same as given in the image diagram above.

  • If you want to take a simple example. So let's visit Spring Security Basic.

  • For those who visited Spring Security Basic before. So do you remember that there is a generated token (Session) which is put in a cookie?. So in that case, the application used the security context interface to save the session into the spring container. So for the second time onwards, by using this session in the cookie. It will directly show you whether this is the valid token or not quickly and doesn't need you to provide username/password.

See Also#
